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Alien Isolation Might Be the Scariest Game of All Time

by summerm,

With Halloween upon us I think it only fair to treat ourselves to a truly scary and immersive experience. And so do the folks over at SEGA -- earlier this month they gave us the much-needed first truly good game based on the Alien movies:

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 Comments: 822
New Home, Game Crazy

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Bonus Content by the Numbers

by summerm,

CAPCOM has just confirmed a ton of details for Resident Evil Revelations 2, which will be released as a weekly series of episodic downloads before it hits retail stores in early 2015. Each episode will offer "hours of gameplay" (featuring fan-favorite character Clare Redfield and

New Home, Game Crazy

Steam Gets Runed: An Interview with the Runers Developers

by summerm,

Steam owners are about to get a rare gem -- a dungeon-crawler, Rogue-like RPG -- and it's a lovingly crafted one at that called Runers, the latest game to get the Steam Greenlight. For the uninitiated, a dungeon crawler is, well, pretty much crawling around

New Home, Game Crazy

When Is a Game Not a Game?

by summerm,

No, that's not the setup for a bad joke, it's a question I had put to me recently. A discussion came up about the recent indie Steam game The Plan, which in total can be played in five minutes. There's very little difference between the

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Sony’s Project Morpheus: The Next Great Leap for Virtual Reality?

by summerm,

During the Games Developer Conference in San Francisco this week, the president of Sony's Computer Entertainment World Wide studios, Shuhei Yoshida, unveiled Project Morpheus -- Sony's official entry into the rapidly growing Virtual Reality market. That's right, Virtual Reality. If you thought it went away

New Home, Game Crazy

You’re Bound To Love Starbound

by summerm,

Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware of the breakthrough sandbox game Minecraft, which went from being a truly independent project into a full-blown media franchise with t-shirts, toys, and other merchandise beyond the game itself. If you know of Minecraft, you

 Category: Review
 Comments: 20
New Home, Game Crazy

Retro Gaming Rises

by summerm,

2013 was a great year for video games as we saw the dawn of a new era in game consoles. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 kicked off the 8th hardware generation late last year. However, these high-powered game machines face some stiff competition, not

New Home, Game Crazy

Ingress: We Are Everywhere

by summerm,

Remember Keanu Reeves as Johnny Mnemonic, traveling around jacking into computers and running from enemy agents? Have you ever wanted to experience something like that, but without the bad acting? Enter Ingress. Touted as an augmented reality game by developer Niantec Labs and published by

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To Next-Gen or not to Next-Gen?

by summerm,

Does this sound familiar? "Why buy a next-gen console when most of the games are available for current-gen systems?" Or how about "I'm gonna wait a while to buy a next-gen console so they can work out all of the bugs and hardware issues on

New Home, Game Crazy

Have Games Aged With Gamers?

by summerm,

Thinking back to the early days of video gaming as a hobby, you immediately imagine one type of player -- kids. The very first home video game console was the Magnavox Odyssey, which was more or less a slew of children's board games arranged to