
Rhode Island gov working hard at ‘keeping 38 Studios solvent’

Reckoning, indeed! A developing story out of Rhode Island has Governor Lincoln Chafee talking in uncertain terms about the financial condition of Curt Schilling’s 38 Studios, which the state gave a controversial $75 million loan to a couple years back to move down to Providence.

The Providence Journal reports Gov. Chafee, who was against the loan during his election, spent a “weekend of work on this subject,” but wouldn’t go into specifics. “We’re doing everything possible, like I would for any Rhode Island company,” he said this afternoon. The Journal reports he added the work was about “keeping 38 Studios solvent.”

“We’re concerned and just doing everything possible to ensure that 38 Studios stays part of the Rhode Island community,” Governor Chafee told “We’re working on different issues with them.” Asked if 38 Studios’ issues could be resolved, Chafee said, “We’re working on it.”Continue reading Rhode Island gov working hard at ‘keeping 38 Studios solvent’Rhode Island gov working hard at ‘keeping 38 Studios solvent’ originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 14 May 2012 20:15:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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