
(Not) Getting noticed on Steam Greenlight: Incredipede’s story

In the indie world of secret handshakes and underground brunch meetings, there’s a specific phrase for the following complex process, as described by developer Colin Northway: “Apply to Steam, be rejected, release without it, get popular, be noticed by Valve, release on Steam.”

This is widely accepted as the “Offspring Fling” submission process. It takes the name of Kyle Pulver’s retro platformer, which launched on Steam in May, months after not launching on Steam, despite Pulver’s attempts. Northway shares this rejection jargon with us in terms of his own puzzle game, Incredipede, and Steam Greenlight:

“This is the path Offspring Fling took before Greenlight and it’s the path Incredipede will take after Greenlight. It’s kind of sad because I thought the point of Greenlight is to specifically avoid the ‘Offspring Fling’ situation.”Continue reading (Not) Getting noticed on Steam Greenlight: Incredipede’s story(Not) Getting noticed on Steam Greenlight: Incredipede’s story originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 09 Oct 2012 15:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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