
Fan nostalgia isn’t enough in Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar

I walked away from a recent preview of Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar feeling anxious. It’s not that Dark Age of Camelot dev Mythic Entertainment has a bad game on its hands, I just don’t understand how it’s supposed to speak to me as a longtime Ultima fan.

Over the last decade, the legendary Ultima series has only yielded two new titles, both free-to-play endeavors: Lord of Ultima and the upcoming Quest for the Avatar. Unlike 2010’s browser-based Lord of Ultima MMORTS, Quest for the Avatar is a story-driven action RPG for tablets and PCs. At least with the latest game, we’re off to a more familiar start.

Gameplay in Quest for the Avatar is straightforward enough: Your top-down view of the world offers different points of interaction depending on where you are. In towns and other social locations, you’re helping people in need resolve various Quandaries (capital Q), with your dialogue selections feeding into boosts to your virtue ratings.
Gallery: Ultima Forever (03/01/2013)Continue reading Fan nostalgia isn’t enough in Ultima Forever: Quest for the AvatarFan nostalgia isn’t enough in Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 13 Mar 2013 18:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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