
Attract Mode and Fangamer host all-ages video game art show Saturday night at PAX

If you’re in Seattle this week – perhaps for PAX Prime – then your Thursday night plans have been taken care of. You’ll be at Joystiq’s Borderlands 2 party, and you’d better say hi when you see us there. But PAX goes for four days, you say – what about the rest of the weekend? We’ll cover Saturday for you as well: “Videogame collective” Attract Mode and videogame apparel site Fangamer are teaming up to hold a great big live art and game show, starting at 7pm on Saturday, September 1 in Seattle.

Cumulo Nimblers, Capy’s Super Time Force, and Eric Zimmerman’s Metagame will all be there and playable, 8-bit artist Danimal Cannon and hip-hop gamer MegaRan (he’s good) will provide the tunes, and the whole show will be drenched in some of the best video-game related artwork you’ll find (and which you can see examples of in the gallery below). It’ll be a rad time indeed; it’s an all ages show that’s open to the public, and admission is $5.

The event starts at 7pm and goes until 11 on Saturday September 1, and you can find it at the 1927 Events space, at 1927 3rd Ave. in Seattle. As for your Friday and Sunday nights at PAX, well, you’ll have to find your own party space for those.Gallery: Fangamer vs. Attract Mode PAX 2012 Art ShowAttract Mode and Fangamer host all-ages video game art show Saturday night at PAX originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 28 Aug 2012 06:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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